Thursday, February 21, 2013

28 Weeks

THIRD TRIMESTER! I am ready for May to get here! I don't want him to come before he's full-term, but I'm ready to meet him soon! Can't believe full-term is only 9 weeks away, now!

Baby's Size: Somewhere around 2 1/2 pounds!
Weight Gain: eek, 13lbs! That's a 6 pound jump in only 4 weeks, but apparently some months will be like that due to a growth spurt.
Cravings: Still love my sweets! And apples-always apples.
Symptoms: Basically all the same. And this week we add heartburn/reflux to the list!

Worst Moment: He gave us a little scare on Monday. I don't want to go into details, but let's just say I'm so happy he decided to stay in a little longer.
Best Moment This Week: Seeing baby C during an unexpected ultrasound on Monday. I love seeing his cute face and little hands. He was tired from my non-stress test and an exciting morning, so he wasn't moving around as much. I saw his little mouth sucking then he put his arms up to wave right before draping them over his face. I hope this little trait continues when he's out here!

Here's what we still have to do for the nursery:
-Paint the nursery trim white
-Make and hang mobile
-Hang the pictures
-Put new knobs on dresser
-wash/hang/put away all clothes and diaper materials

1 comment:

  1. Have you began to nest? Nesting is perhaps the funest part of pregnancy, I had a little start at the beginning of my third trimester. Got blown up when I got to 29 weeks or so maybe it was 33 I cannot quite remember. Your Husband might got nuts during this process lol
