Monday, January 30, 2012

Super yummy snack-pizza!

First, I have to say that even though I got married without knowing how to cook a lick, I am starting to learn and love it! I love putting different ingredients together to make a delicious (nutritious) dinner for my hubby! Thankfully, Scotty is an awesome cook and has been able to show me the ropes. I love his cooking, but I love cooking more and more meals each week. Do any of you cook or are learning to cook?

Today I want to share my super easy, super yummy pizza snack. All you will need is:
*2 soft flour tortillas
some spaghetti sauce (I just use whatever is in my fridge)
some grated cheese

I start by preheating my oven to 350. On a cookie sheet, I put down the first tortilla. I spoon on some cold sauce and spread it around the tortilla. Next, sprinkle however much cheese you like. Pop the other tortilla on top of it (the top tortilla is what makes the pizza easy to snack on/travel with and not so messy), and put in the oven. Bake for about 10 minutes or until the edges of the tortillas get golden. Take it out and cut with a pizza cutter. It's a fun yummy snack that isn't messy or too doughy. I even put mine in a tupperware to bring to work sometimes if I'm really in a rush.

I hope you like this recipe and please leave a comment to let me know what your go-to snacks are! =]

*I love buying generic, but I never skimp on tortillas. The generic version is usually super dried out compared to my fav brand, Mission.

This is what the pizza looks like! (Scotty likes to add in pepperonis, but I hate adding in processed meat!)

Thanks for reading,
Mrs. E

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