Friday, August 31, 2012

We Only Like the First Half

Here at the Edwards home, we only like the first half of the alphabet...

The deal is: I don't think anyone cares about my alphabet deal, and it was becoming a chore. Maybe I can't even keep myself accountable for this blog, but it came down to not being worth it anymore.

What I really came here to say husband is getting scarily intuitive when it comes to fashion. Two nights ago I showed him a set I made on Polyvore. The set was for a casual wedding guest. Super cute Tibi dress and nude/peach accessories. The bag was a gold studded beige tote bag. He actually said, "Isn't that bag a little big to bring to a wedding?!"

Someone almost surpassed the teacher.

But I had a method to the big-bag madness. I secretly made the set for an idea of what to wear next summer to my my brother-in-law's wedding. The bag is big enough to hold baby supplies just in case we are lucky enough to need it!

Sometimes husbands can be surprising.

Friday, August 24, 2012


P is for Personalization.
As you all know, we have been full of celebrating love the month. We are so excited for Jay and Kelly! To show our love and excitement we made them really cool glass beer steins with their monogram on it. We had dinner with them and almost the whole family (minus Nate) on Wednesday, which was awesome.

Here they are:

We were going to use glass etching cream, but it could cause "fatal burns." The warning said that "burns may be unnoticeable at first, but may be fatal. Seek medical attention immediately." That kind of scared me too much to try it, so we used Martha Stewart glass frost instead. It can even be washed in the dishwasher! I'm kind of obsessed now. Definitely need to get on monograming some of my glassware!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


O is a little's for ONE YEAR. On Monday, Scott and I celebrated being together for one full year.

I don't want to get too too personal here because I think our renewal vows we shared over dinner said it all, and it was just very personal. In a nutshell: Scott, you make everything better. My good days are so much better, and my bad days lighten with you.

I love every minute of being Mrs. Edwards!!!


N is for Nudys!
We went there for breakfast this morning as a late 1-year anniversary breakfast! It's our favorite for sure.

Monday, August 20, 2012

M is Munching

We've enjoyed munching on some fun foods the past weekend.
Thursday we went to breakfast at Einstein Bro Bagels to start our relaxing day off together. It was completely awesome. It was our first day off together that we haven't devoted to working on the house! I loved relaxing and just enjoying my day with my husband!

Then Saturday night we got frozen yogurt as a treat, and it was heavenly! So many toppings, so many yummy flavors! I might try to convince him to go again this week! Scott even took an embarrassing video of us eating it, but I'll spare you the gory details!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

L is so Easy

L is very obviously for Love.
Jay's proposal got bit Scott and I with the Love bug the past week. Working on parts of this project--all to ask an incredible woman to be his wife only days before our anniversary definitely got us thinking back to our engagement and wedding last year!

Last night we went to dinner and enjoyed catching up on Suits. Spending quality time together is so important to us, so we definitely enjoyed a night of relaxing together!

I love this guy:


The past week I was working on a very very special project with Scott and his brother, Jay.
Project KelSaidYes...HIS PROPOSAL!

My awesome brother-in-law is now engaged to the most beautiful woman! I already love Kelly like a sister, but now it will be official (not that we ever had any doubts).

Scott and I did nine paintings for the proposal to capture each milestone in their relationship. He lined the beach with them, and popped the question on the beach! Any pictures or more details will have to wait, though, because I don't want to tell it before them!!

I'm completely ecstatic for them =]

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

J is for joking, right?

The other day I went to Homegoods. I was very good and didn't buy any unnecessary items, thankfully. The thing is, though, stores have to be joking, right? They had up Halloween decorations!!

In my world, we cannot think about Halloween until September. August (and most of September) is still SUMMER. 

Well, I wrapped my head around the Halloween thing. You know, in some cases it's a fall/halloween combination, and I do love me some fall. 

When I went to Michaels, though, there were CHRISTMAS decorations up! Trust me, I love Christmas just as much as anyone, but IT IS THE MIDDLE OF SUMMER!!! Yes, we can let our minds wander to that joyous time of the year. Yes we can start budgeting out for the season and start buying gifts that will be helpful when the time comes, but NO, we are not going to start decorating! 

Yes, I have started thinking about Christmas already, but this is overboard. I'm even lenient enough to be perfectly happy with Christmas things popping up in early to mid-November. August is no time for Christmas, though. 

What do you guys think? Are you as surprised as I am? Do you feel like stores are pushing us into the future too much by putting out way ahead of season merchandise? 


I is really standing for eye exam. My brother and mom had theirs done a couple of weeks ago, but I declined. Now that we're all switching insurance, my mom thinks I should get my eyes checked before the end of August and get new glasses...

We hate the eye doctor over here. I can hardly even say the word "dilated."

Happy Birthday

H is for Happy Birthday, Max!
My older brother (I don't have any younger brothers or sisters) is 24 today!

Last night we had him over for some bbq chicken and cake. The only thing missing was my dad, but we'll celebrate again when he's up from FL. Even though it wasn't a "milestone" birthday, Scott and I still embarrassed Max by taking a million pics of him with his cake and candles-- something we NEVER have.

Happy birthday, Max! I love you too much for words!!

Friday, August 10, 2012


Today, on this un-inspiring day, G stands for go-to outfit/top.

On a day that was semi-rainy, humid, long, and full of miscommunications, it was so nice to slip into my favorite black, basic, off the shoulder top after work. It makes me feel sexy, simple, and confident.

It has long sleeves that i push up to my elbows. It's the perfect gauzy material that makes it completely acceptable for summer, too!

Do you have any go-to pieces?

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


My wrap-up meeting for book club at work was a complete Flop today.

One person came. She didn't even read. Maybe they aren't really bookworms, after all!

Also, this is Scott's second day working a 12-hour day. Tomorrow is his last one, thank goodness!

To add to the loveliness, someone close to me experienced a loss. I found out today this man's son passed yesterday. My heart fully goes out to my friend and his son's family.

I'm going to flop on the couch and watch sad movies.


Yesterday would be "E," which was for early mornings. I woke up at 5:30 to the sound of my baby coughing! Banana's asthma was definitely getting me worried, so I stayed up listening to her, checking to make sure she was breathing, not panting.

First thing, I called the vet and got her an appointment for the early afternoon.

Now, she's on some daily medication to keep her airways open/inflammation down. We also have a "fail-safe" pill to give her if she gets a bad attack and needs immediate relief.

It was pretty frightening going to the vet without Scotty, but she was so relaxed, and the vet was SO KIND. I really felt like they did what was best for Banana without being pushy, expensive, or condescending.

Here she is, feeling at home at the vet's office:

Oh, and here's a Cocoa pic for good measure:

They are still exploring and getting used to the house (and the other animals). We are all adjusting, slowly but surely!

PS I promise my blog will not become completely over-run by my cats!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Monday was D

D stood for Downtime.
Scott and I got some much needed downtime yesterday. We both had off, and instead of killing ourselves with our million projects, we decided to actually spend the day doing nothing but relaxing. 

The plan was all good and dandy until I heard Banana cough. Now I'm hyper-alerted to her breathing and coughing (it's happened four times in about 30 hours). I'm bringing her to the vet first thing today to get her checked out for asthma and hopefully prescribed some Bronchodilators or Albuterol from the start instead of oral medications or "waiting on it." I'm just so scared we'll have another episode like a couple of weeks ago. Seeing her unable to breathe was terrifying, and I want the tools to treat her right away if that happens. I awoke last night to a cough from her, and barely slept since. Hence, my downtime yesterday was just spent worrying. 

It's amazing how animals just find their way into our hearts as our friends and companions. I joke that Banana is our first-born. I know they are not my children, but we love them, care for them, and truly would be lost if anything happened to them. 

Sunday, August 5, 2012


C stands for cat food!

The cat food I normally buy for our kitten loves isn't sold at the grocery store around the corner from our new house! I've shopped at Giant for the past year, which always has Kitten Chow. Now, we are right next to an Acme, which does not have our normal kind! So, today, the babies are eating Friskies instead.

Thankfully, they eat almost any type of cat food.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

B is for...

Bad smells.

The pipe that leaked on Thursday night had to be fixed ASAP, so Scotty had to cut the pipe and put a shut-off valve on without having the water to the house turned off. When we made the switch-er-oo, water was gushing and shooting everywhere! It was comical in the moment, because we both felt like a typical first time home owner couple on tv commercials and cartoons.

Anyhoo, the water basically soaked the basement floors. With multiple attempts to dry it out, we resorted to cutting up the carpet that had already started to mildew. The smell was not pleasant. I took a short nap after my quick super-early airport run, and the smell was in my dreams. "Not pleasant" is such a kind, non-vulgar way to put it.

With the carpet removed, though, the smell is improving by the minute.

Friday, August 3, 2012


I jumped ahead of myself with my last post! This month I plan on doing "August Alphabet." Everyday I will do a post for that "letter." Obviously, I'm a couple of days into August, but thankfully there are only 26 letters in the alphabet!

Maybe it'll inspire some of you to get wacky/crazy!

A is for Almost

A is for Almost. As in, almost finished with this bathroom redo! Two weeks ago I had this crazy idea to redo our new home's bathroom in ten days. After two plumbing problems and 14 days later, we're approximately one day away. Tonight is the first time I will shower in the new shower, and this afternoon was the first time I used the NEW sink to wash my hands!

Here's a couple teaser shots:

Tomorrow I paint, and we put up the last bit of bead-board! A couple of decorative touches will be done, too.
Some accessories and semi-accessories will be added later on (We need a new light fixture that might happen later on, and we might not have our floors completely finished right away.)